Category: writing
Ein Erfahrungsbericht im Selfpublishing mit Nach 5 Büchlein und 100 Stories habe ich einiges an Aha-Effekten weiterzugeben.
Month-long writing events
NaNoWriMo is the classic of a month-long writing event. But there are more. And there are good reasons to participate.
Write the boring scene
Every writer now and then comes across a boring scene. Please don’t write it, but search a solution for it.
Creating your Body of Work
The Body of Work lists an artists creative output. A writer should know about all the stories she created in her live.
The Bechdel test
The Bechdel test rates the female representation in a story. Easy rules, rarely followed…
Publish a Short Story
With a finished short story at hand, there are multiple ways to publish. It mostly depends on the story itself and where it fits best.
Revise a Short Story
After a first draft, a short story needs enough rounds of revision and love as it deserves as the tiny novel it is.
Draft a Short Story
With your plot in place, tackle the first draft of your short story. One eye on the cursor and one on the outline.
Plot a Short Story with Kishōtenketsu
The story structure without conflict is by no means without conflict, but worth giving it a try. Show your premise and throw a twist into the everyday life.