
Welcome to the strawberry field (the translation of “erdbeerbeet”)!
Some people say, that I have too many hobbies. They are right, but I love all of them – and you can’t stop me. I enjoy reading articles about them to learn, or get motivated. Now it’s time to give back to the internet with my very own blog.

My themes might seem a little all over the place, but they share the creation of well crafted projects. I’ll give my best to explain my process to make it easy for every reader to watch and repeat.
Dear reader, please feel free to look around, find a new or old topic to dive into, learn something new, and feel motivated to start your next project.

abdce achievement angular api app barrierefreiheit Camp NaNo colors comic contrast customization dark mode digital accessibility draft event firebase Flash-Fic month flash fiction flutter forms game generator hackathon kurzgeschichte level localization NaNoWriMo navigation pitch plan plot psychology publishing PWA revision scene short story sound story.one Story a day web word progressor workshop writing writing speed