
I declare myself a writer. And as I love to read writing related articles, to learn something new or to simply get motivated by engaging with the subject, I want to give back as well.
In early 2020 I started a weekly appointment and called a friend to talk mainly about writing. Our active projects, NaNoWriMo, and some challenges we would set for ourselves. For I like to sort and structure my insights, my notes make for excellent tutorials and informational posts (at least I hope so).

My first posts on this subject will circle around different types of literature forms. Short stories, even shorter stories, certain genres… whatever I feel like exploring. I try to structure each theme to work as a step by step plan for those who want to give it a try.

  • Plan (define the thing I want to tackle and find resources on the topic to dive into it)
  • Plot (coming up with an idea, using the given structure, and making a writing plan before adding the first word to the project)
  • Draft (doing the work, handling writing problems, and changing the plan)
  • Revise (after a rest, pick up the first draft and make it work, then polish it)
  • Publish (what to do with this finished masterpiece)

This section might expand to contain literature recommendations, NaNoWriMo, or things that grow from comments.
I hope you find value in my insights, get inspired, and feel energized to get hands on some new challenges yourself.

  • Plan a Flash Fiction Story
    Flash fiction is a form of short story with a low word count of 1000 words maximum. It’s worth to lean into this little magic exercise to improve your writing fast.
  • Plot a Flash Fiction Story
    The only preparation a flash fiction needs might contain a situation with promising conflict.
  • Draft a Flash Fiction Story
    The most important part when drafting a flash fiction is to keep an eye on the word count.
  • Revise a Flash Fiction Story
    Revising a flash fiction story teaches you to concentrate on essential storytelling.
  • Publish a Flash Fiction Story
    Send your flash fiction to tenders or create a themed story collection.
  • Writing Speed
    How many words per hour are you able to produce?
  • Pitch
    There are several reasons why you should be able to present your story in just a few sentences.
  • Plan a Short Story
    The “short” in short story might distract from the possible impact and depth of this literary form.
  • Plot a Short Story
    A short story needs an overarching problem to follow through. And for a good plot structure there are several formulas to follow.
  • Plot a Short Story with ABDCE
    Action, Background, Development, Climax, Ending, this short story formula feels as easy as crossing things off a checklist.
  • Plot a Short Story with the Pulp Fiction Formula
    Even when you are not writing pulp fiction detective short stories, this formula might be worth trying. You can’t be more action packed than this.
  • Plot a Short Story with the Hero’s Journey
    Despite the hero’s journey being the blood an bones of most stories – on purpose or without – you might want to get familiar with it nonetheless.
  • Plot a Short Story with the 3 Act Story Structure
    The 3 act structure is everywhere, so here is my turn on it – for short stories.
  • Plot a Short Story with Kishōtenketsu
    The story structure without conflict is by no means without conflict, but worth giving it a try. Show your premise and throw a twist into the everyday life.
  • Draft a Short Story
    With your plot in place, tackle the first draft of your short story. One eye on the cursor and one on the outline.
  • Revise a Short Story
    After a first draft, a short story needs enough rounds of revision and love as it deserves as the tiny novel it is.
  • Publish a Short Story
    With a finished short story at hand, there are multiple ways to publish. It mostly depends on the story itself and where it fits best.
  • The Bechdel test
    The Bechdel test rates the female representation in a story. Easy rules, rarely followed…
  • Write realistic relationships
    Psychology helps with building couples for fiction. Here is how.
  • Creating your Body of Work
    The Body of Work lists an artists creative output. A writer should know about all the stories she created in her live.